This recipe came about one evening when I needed a very simple vegetable broth to use as a light soup for matzo balls.
I had leeks, carrots, and dill in the refrigerator so that's what I used. And since I needed it fast, I used my Instant Pot to pressure cook the ingredients in water. This recipe remains unchanged for me and has turned into one of my favorite vegetable broths because I can make it quickly and it has a very light, subtle sweet taste. Once it's done, you can add more salt and pepper to your taste and freeze what you don't use right away.
Broth and stock are so similar that I use them interchangeably, the only difference being that I add water to stock, where as I use broth straight up. And inย case you're wondering what the difference is between stock and broth: Stock is made from bones, while broth is made mostly from meat or vegetables. Stock is usually thicker while broth is thinner and has more flavor to it.
I make my own dried dill, so I included that recipe as well. There's something about the smell of fresh dill that I just love, and I use some it for recipes and then dry any leftovers before it goes bad.
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