The Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) relies on foods that have only simple carbohydrates. This includes many fresh vegetables, fruit, protein, and honey. Eating simple carbohydrates, as opposed to complex carbohydrates, can affect the balance of your intestinal bacteria as well as other aspects of your microbiome.
The goal of the diet is to starve out bad bacteria in the gut so that your intestines can heal. The original guide to the diet is the book Breaking The Vicious Cycle, by Elaine Gottschall. It explains the science behind it and offers recipes as well. Dr. Sydney Haas formulated the Specific Carbohydrate Diet in the 1920s to treat celiac disease, and Elaine Gottschall made the diet more widely known in 1987 when she published her book.
Many of my recipes were inspired by the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) and many work for SCD. While SCD and the research on food and IBD is evolving, over the years people have reported gaining back their health with this diet.
SCD can help with Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis (collectively known as Inflammatory Bowel Disease or IBD), Diverticulitis, Celiac Disease, Cystic Fibrosis, as well as other diseases that are affected by or result in intestinal issues. And, it's a gluten-free, grain-free, refined sugar-free, lactose-free diet as well, so it works well when trying to avoid food intolerances and allergies.
SCD food guidelines
The original source for guidelines is in Elaine's Breaking the Vicious Cycle cookbook. There is a list of "illegal" and "legal" foods for SCD on the Breaking the Vicious Cycle website however I'm not sure how often it's updated. This SCD guidance was developed several years ago, before food labeling laws improved, but it is a good idea to be extra cautious and contact the manufacturer to confirm that there are no additives in packaged or prepared foods.
My cookbook, Cooking for the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, is also a great resource for anyone starting out or following SCD.
My experience with my son and talking to people who've followed SCD with success is: when in doubt, leave it out. Add one food item at a time, and wait a few weeks to make sure your body is ok with it before moving on to the next food.
Here's a quick summary of what you can eat when following SCD:
Fish and shellfish
Fresh and frozen fish and shellfish with no additives. Check labels to make sure there are no additives. Canned fish in oil or water is allowed.
Fresh or frozen poultry and meat with no additives. Check labels to make sure there are no additives. No processed meats because they have additives.
Non-starchy vegetables, fresh or frozen. No canned vegetables or vegetables in jars, and no additives.
Fresh and frozen fruit with no additives. Fruit canned in itโs own juice are allowed. No additives. Dried fruit with no additives other than fruit juice or oil is allowed. Read labels carefully.
Yogurt fermented for 24 hours using SCD legal yogurt or yogurt starter. Cheese with virtually no lactose is allowed, including Parmesan, Romano, Asiago, Blue, Brie, Cheddar, Colby, Gouda, Gruyere, Havarti, Swiss, Farmerโs Cheese (cultured dry-cured cottage cheese with no added cream or milk). See Elaine's book for the full list.
All types of eggs are allowed.
No grains. This is a grain-free diet. Potatoes, yams, parsnip, and a few other beans may be tried after considerable improvement in your health.
Navy, green, kidney, black beans, split peas, lentils, and peanuts are allowed. Dried beans need to be soaked overnight, rinsed and drained.
Nuts and seeds
All nuts without no additives. Seeds are not recommended until 3 months into the diet, or after considerable improvement in your health and no symptoms.
Oils and butter
All oils, including butter, ghee, coconut oil, olive oil, safflower oil, flaxseed oil. No additives.
Honey, fruit juice, fruit. Bananas and apple sauce are good for baking.
Herbs, spices, salt
Fresh or dried herbs and spices without additives.
Juices without added sugar, nut milks, tea or coffee, very dry wine. Instant coffee is not allowed.
Vinegar without added sugar, ketchup, mayonnaise, and mustard without any sugar or other additives. No soy sauce or coconut aminos.
How to start SCD
I created a guide to help you to Start SCD, including an introductory meal plan, and hundreds of recipes to support people following this diet.
My SCD tips
Here are some things I learned when I first started SCD with my son:
- The most basic recipes are the easiest and the best
- Avoid all additives and processed food
- If you're not sure, try one thing at a time. Wait 3 weeks before introducing the next thing.
- Start slow, or start with a simple diet; do what works best for you
- Freeze food and buy in bulk when possible
- Modify it for your body; if you need to go dairy free, do it
- Try eating small meals throughout the day
- Drink water, broth, and/or electrolytes
- Avoid lots of sweets; balance out your diet with other foods
- Don't try to live on nut flours
- Prepare lots of snacks for travel
- Know what brands of food and drink you can have when you're away from home
- Think easy-to-digest foods when you're starting out or experiencing symptoms (cooked veggies and fruits, smoothies, soups)
- Find out if you're vitamin or mineral deficient
- Do what's right for you. Bring food you like to parties, explain in simple terms that you have some food intolerances.
Try not to get caught up in balancing your diet based on food pyramidsโthey don't apply here; nutrition does though. You may be forgoing some things by not having grains or cereals so you'll need to balance that out in another way (and/or take vitamins) which I think is essential for healing and general mental health.
How long?
How long is up to your body and recovery. Everyone has a different journey on SCD, but in general many who have had success stay on it for life, or for at least a few years.
Many folks combine SCD and medication with great success. This can be a stepping stone to removing medication. Again, everyone is different, so your mileage may vary.
Prepared SCD food
Here are some businesses that sell prepared SCD food:
Miriam Richard says
Hello Erica,
I was checking out your website and thought you may enjoy using my SCD Song link to help promote SCD to others who follow your blog.
https://youtu.be/bZPVQSUQW7o Specific Carbohydrate Diet Song.
You may also enjoy this pocket guide book from Shannon Eavenson who collaborated with me on the video. I know the book won a top ten Author from IIN award for the 2016 class.
@Miriam Richard's link: Gut Feeling : Gut Healing: Blending Specific Carbohydrate Diet, Whole Food Nutrition, & Holistic Lifestyle https://www.amazon.com/dp/1543118747/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_zMRbzbDDMV4FC
Gut Feeling : Gut Healing: Blending Specific Carbohydrate Diet, Whole Food Nutrition, & Holistic Lifestyle
As she watched her fifteen-year-old son, Charlie, suffer the wracking agony of Crohnโs disease, Shannon Eavenson just wanted to make the pain go away. Having experienced a serious gastrointestinal disorder herself, she hoped to spare Charlie a lifetime of medication and possibly surgery.
Thank you for all the help you are provided people with hope and help for following the diet.
Warm Regards,
Miriam Richard
Bekah says
Hello! Like so many other people, your website and books have been a lifesaver for me. I was recently put on and SCD diet by my doctor and I've already lost 5 inches and nearly 10 pounds just from the bloating. So, thank you for all your work towards helping people learn more about this lesser known diet. I did want to ask you (and feel free to tell me to stuff it if I'm being too nosy) has to do with the food intolerance test you mentioned that your son had. My doctor is recommending that I get one but my insurance won't cover it since it's considered experimental. Do you mind sharing what test it was if you remember its name? Maybe it's a different version of the same thing... Also, if nothing else, did you find the knowledge you got from it to be very beneficial to helping him heal? I'm debating paying for it out of pocket, but I don't want to waste money either (I'm a teacher and, thus, perpetually poor). Sorry for the long note...I'm a talker. Thanks again for your recipes!
Erica says
It's hard to tell. I didn't find the test helpful in the end, but some folks do think it helps. It is expensive, so if you can't afford it, an elimination diet will do the trick.
Laura says
In case someone is interested, my daughter has been med free and symptom free for several years. After much testing we developed a combination of SCD (low oxalate version) and a elemental formula for nutrition. She was diagnosed at 10 with Crohn's and is 17 now. She travels and studies and does very well. Doctors still ask us to coach others on this protocol, would be happy to help. (Thanks for this blog.... We will be trying the coconut flour waffles tomorrow!)
Erica says
Thanks, Laura! For the "low oxalate" version, what do you include or eliminate? If you can, yes, please share all you can. I found this, for those seeking more info: http://www.upmc.com/patients-visitors/education/nutrition/pages/low-oxalate-diet.aspx
Donita Jackson says
Hi can you give me tips with the meals plz I just found out about my 5yr son has Crohnโs
Erica says
Hi Donita! Yes, happy to help. Let me get something together for you. I'm actually working on something that may help you so I'll share it soon. Also, there is a somewhat older website but it has some good ideas for kids: http://www.pecanbread.com
Erica says
Hi again Donita. Feel free to contact me at erica@comfybelly.com. I find this page very helpful for starting out and transitioning to SCD: http://pecanbread.com/p/how/getready.html.
I'm also developing meal plans but they're not ready to share. I recommend building a list of SCD ingredients and food that your son likes and find SCD recipes that include those ingredients. If he's having symptoms, you'll want to go slow and introduce foods that are gentle and easy to digest like eggs, soft cooked veggies, soups, broths, and tender lean protein like chicken and fish. I'm hoping to have the first set of meal plans ready in a few weeks.
Michele says
One website excludes mayo from the diet.
Also, if your son has chronic diarrhea, is he taking plant enzymes? Until I did, with rheumatoid arthritis, I had pain every time I ate. Since I've started, no pain. I mean it. And while I have to stay on top of digestive processes, basically in good shape with the anti-candida regimen since I started taking the digestive enzymes. Am thinking of trying this diet to see if it really heals permanently.
Darlene Taber says
I was diagnosed with Crohn's in 1977. I have had 2 bowel resections - the last one in 2007. I have no signs or symptoms or Crohn's and haven't for many years. Would the SCD diet help as a preventative for Crohn's returning? Not sure if I need to try this since I am symptom free and have been for years.
Annabella M says
When I was 20 (1995 ish) I had a chiropractor tell me to quit eating wheat and dairy. I was very weak, sleeping most of the day and just taking a shower wore me out. I never got tested for anything (they did one colonoscopy and they couldn't drag me back in to a doctor's office to even hear the results). I did the diet and added refined sugars and yeast too boot to the dairy and wheat (candida with some complex sugars type diet). I stuck to it for a little over 10 years, mostly eating meat and eggs, veggies, and later potatoes. I was able to carry on a normal life for several years. A few years ago I started "slipping". mostly due to lack of funds to eat lean meat all the time. I did alright for a while, but now over 5 years later and the diet out the window long ago I'm back to square one. This time I'll probably let the doctors run their test and find out once and for all. Just a warning so some... just because it's been a while doesn't mean it won't happen again.
Anthony Davis says
I have a sister who had been diagnosed, after much testing as having IBS. This came upon her later in life and as she is older than I by about 5 years and I have started having similar symptoms of IBS for over a year now and am almost 55, I have done research and read many posts about IBS and Celiac. I experimented by using the elimination diet that restricted any gluten or gluten containing food or beverage for a period not more than 10 days and this because of frequent diarrhea on off and on for several months since taking an excessive amount of Doxicycline, a broad spectrum antibiotic and started not having diarrhea until the smallest amount of gluten found in a stir fry sauce I ate the day before another bout of diarrhea. I tried this experiment again a few months later thinking why not try this again and see what happens. several days went by no diarrhea, no cramping, no weight gain, and sleeping better and mood swings not so bad during this experiment going gluten-free.
So, maybe I have a gluten intolerance or sensitivity or perhaps Celiac, but this did not appear until later on in my life, not starting as a child. One more pint to make is I have 9 nationalities in my family tree as far back as my great great grandparents on my mother's and my father's side and one of these specifically is German-Jew. So I read more and discovered that Jewish people often have Celiac as well as 2 other cultures from other places in the world. I forgot these at the moment.
Mainly I am trying to get on the gluten-free, sugar-free diet, but am unsure if I should get on the dairy-free diet because I have this craving for milk and cheese and don't know if I should try eliminating every thing all at once, but prefer to get off gluten first and work my way down to eliminating the other types of carbs and unhealthy foods like bacon, sharp cheddar cheese and burgers.
Linda Lachance says
to respond about whether you should give up dairy, if you are craving it and having a hard time even thinking about giving it up, you may be allergic to one of the proteins like I am, I can't break down Casein at all.
alicia says
Diagnosed with Crohn's at age 32..have gone gluten, dairy, grain and starchy carbohydrate free. Being 24 weeks pregnant is a challenge as there are so many things my body can't tolerate, but as challenging as it is, it's so nice to have fewer intestinal problems.
Hang in there!
Janet Firestone says
I just discovered your blog when looking for some new SCD recipes. We LOVE your Coconut Donut recipe - we made muffins with it. My daughter diagnosed with Common Variable Immune Deficiency (CVID) one of 150 types of Primary Immunodeficiency Disease (PIDD). Many unknowingly have PIDD because they are first diagnosed with Celiac, Crohns, UC, etc... I encourage all with digestive autoimmune diseases to research PIDD and go see an Immunologist if symptoms fit. My daughter follows stict SCD diet to mange GI issues and must receive antibody infusions for her type of PIDD. PIDD test and diagnosis finally helped us understand what antibody subclasses were missing causing her GI and immune issues - to learn more visit Immune Deficiency Foundation. Thanks again for the GREAT SCD recipe - LOVE it!
Eugenia says
I follow SCD/Paleo for 3 weeks now, and it has already (almost) cured my IBS-D. If it continues like that, I expect to be completely asymptomatic in a few months. I don't expect to be cured, because as Dr Haas said to Gotchall, only kids can have their intestinal lining regrown fully. Most adults can stay asymptomatic only as long as they follow SCD/Paleo forever.
BTW, Dr Haas also said (according to an SCD-related book I'm reading now) that some kids needed 6 years to get cured, so don't lose hope. Go back to SCD and follow it with "fanatical adherence".
Tucker Sweeney says
The SCD has been a complete lifesaver for me. I went from being in such poor health while battling UC and taking medication that did not work that I was seriously thinking of having surgery to remove my colon. The SCD was a long process of healing (over 2 years) yet has given my life back. I have now been on the diet for over six years and would have it no other way. Its just natural now. I have started a blog about my daily adventures with the SCD (http://twostepsscd.blogspot.com/) and have just published a book about it as well: Two steps forward, one step back. A journey through life, ulcerative colitis, and the specific carbohydrate diet. Available at Amazon.com
Your blog here at Comfy belly is awesome and it is great to see so many new ideas and inspiration with the changing dietary needs of our population. I check your site weekly for new goodies and am always impressed! It is also so cool to see the amount of new food blogs related to the scd, paleo, gaps, etc. About time!
Tucker Sweeney
Sherilyn @ Wholepromise says
This is a wonderful and informative post from a personal persepctive. I totally believe in the principles behind this diet and I actually use aspects of it as a reference for my fertility patients. If you want to learn about an amazing story of healing associated with this diet then head on over to http://www.roostblog.com/ - a blog that details a personal story of healing due to SCD. Wonderful photos and wonderful recipes can be found as well.
Darlene Gurr says
I just tried to access your website "roost blog" but it said that I need a password. How do we get to your blog? Thanks.
Erica says
sorry, that's not mine. I'm sure she'll be back soon ๐
Julie says
Hi Erica,
Roost blog is recently back but very different than before. I don't see the reference to health/healing (or her personal story)but is more about lifestyle, art and what inspires her. Still a beautiful and special place worth spending time on. If you look at "older Posts" under "journal" you will find some recipes but it doesn't seem the focus of Caitlin's new site.
Julie says
Oops...there are photos of foods under "works" that have links to recipes also. Just not as extensive as her previous site.
Caitlin | Roost says
Hi Ladies!! Roost has always been an extension of my artistic expression, for a couple of years that expression was based around food and food photography but currently I am focusing in a big career change which involves more writing, travel and directing for film. I still love and appreciate the transformative powers of food and eating well but I am an artist and where my heart leads I follow ๐ Thank you for your understanding and if you do not see a recipe you want under my "Works" tab send me a note and I will hook you up!
Susan says
Just to put it out there, LDN isn't supposed to be done in conjunction with Imuran or other similar drugs.
Michelle says
Best wishes with your son and we love your recipes and website! My daughter was diagnosed at age 11 and had extremely debilitating Crohn's for 2 years in which we tried several diets (SCD),grain free, candida diet, along with low dose naltrexone, Aloe, probiotics, herbs and vitamins, several different alternative pracitioners. She did NOT have a normal life during that time, constantly missed school, woke up with daily stomach pains, other GI symptoms etc...had to be home schooled for "ill children" provided by our public school with tutor....for 4 months total. We finally tried Dr. Simon Yu, an MD with broad experience and training in alternative medicine, http://www.preventionandhealing.com and he literally saved her life. He is an international expert on parasite treatments and acupuncture meridian testing (largely used in Germany and other European countries), and looks for hidden causes of "incurable Illnesses". Our daughter has been off all prescription allopathic drugs for year and half, has lived normal life during that time, to school on time, now on cheerleading squad in highschool... She had to have several rounds of parasite prescription medications and this was the only thing she responded to. She also takes vitamins based on her hair analysis past 1.5 years and follows mostly "healthy" diet, minimal processed foods...Hope this helps someone. My testimonial is on Dr. Yu's website. These diseases can be terrible and allopathic medicine does NOT have good answers for them...Best wishes to everyone struggling with these illnesses.
Samantha says
This message is for Michelle. Glad to hear your daughter's recovery. My daughter has alopecia areata and like you, we've tried many doctors, allopathic and naturopathic. Can I ask you how quickly you saw results. And are dr. Yu's charges reasonable? Thank you.
Kate says
Perhaps you've already pursued this, but GAPS is a variation on SCD which allows you to go through items to make sure there's not something on the basic SCD that you've developed an intolerance for. Sometimes GAPS helps when SCD alone doesn't.
Even if GAPS does not help, at least, if you go back to SCD, it will make SCD look easy! ๐
This is my first reply to one of your posts, but I read your blog regularly and love so many of your recipes! Thanks for the help you've given me and my family. ๐
Miranda says
Love your blog! Especially when I'm feeling in a 'food rut' which happens since I try to follow the SCD. Every time I go off of it because I'm feeling lazy or feel like I 'deserve' a treat, I end up feeling terrible. I had to learn to think of food as the fuel to run my life, not as something to satisfy emotional needs or social agendas (although your blog does help put the fun back into eating and cooking, thank you for that). Great advice on anyone starting the diet, its so worth it, I recommend for anyone!
Susan says
My son has Crohn's and has been in remission for two years using Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN), SCD diet, probiotics, vitamins & supplements, anti-yeast and anti-fungal medication. I'm so grateful that he avoided a lifetime of dangerous chemotherapy by taking this path.
I was freaked out when I started SCD, but this website has been a guiding light.
Joan Litsky says
This diet in some ways reminds of the diet advocated for people
worried about heart disease. Eat nothing with a face, a mother,
or dairy.
Erin says
That looks so yummy!
I wonder if something like low dose naltrexone could help your son? It sounds like his immune system could use some additional modulation? I know it's common to have gluten-like reactions to other foods, so maybe there's something else he's eating that he's reacting to. I react to corn, as well as gluten (I don't have GI issues, but Hashimoto's.) Have you considered a Cyrex Labs panel? They have some pretty advanced saliva panels to test for cross-reactivity.
I know that research is being done on TH-17 immune modulation for Crohn's (high dose D3 and transdermal glutathione cream help, I believe).
I hope you solve the puzzle!
Erica says
Thanks - he's taking LND now, but we have a few complications, so we're not sure that's it working for him.
Maria says
I too have Hashimoto's and wondered if you would be willing to share some choices you've made to heal yourself and how you observe how different foods affect this disease? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Yadsia @ShopCookMake says
I'm in love with your Blog. Every recipe is so simple. I'll be making many of them!
suzanne burnie says
Diagnosed with Celiac in 2005, did gluten free for a year and now our whole family is SCD/Paleo. It works on so many levels for my family. I know people think it is hard but it can be simplified by thinking of some meat and 2 veggies for supper. I make my own bread and all our desserts. Have no choice as there is nothing out there commercially that would do. I feel lucky in this age of internet where I can get good recipes from you and others like Elana.
I believe in the future that people will know that eating wheat 3 to 4 times a day is not good. That the GMO'd wheat we are eating is bad for our intestines. Thanks for the recipes and advice.
Joslyn says
First of all, The egg salad looks fab! I read on FB that your son was in a flare, I hope that he's feeling better. You know I am also on SCD and I agree with everything you wrote in this post, one thing isn't going to work for everyone. I am still on meds and doing the diet, so far so good, but I realize this might not last forever and I'm going to have to adjust as time goes on. We just do the best we can with what we know in the moment. (( hugs )) to you and your son!
Erica says
Thanks ๐