I started out developing a recipe for apple pie bars, which was becoming complicated, and the last thing I want to do is offer a complicated recipe during an already busy holiday time. I shifted gears when I realized that a much better idea is to turn all the parts of the recipe into a simpler, make-ahead version of an apple pie parfait. So here we are.
I love my apple pie recipe, and you can make the pie in parts as well and combine them later on. This recipe is even easier since you don't have to roll or press dough into a pie dish or baking pan, and you can assemble all the parts at any time. Basically, deconstructed apple pie!
The apple filling can be made ahead and stored in the refrigerator. The crumble topping can also be made ahead, or you can use granola if you have that hanging around, or make the crunchy no-grain granola from my cookbook, Cooking for the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, page 178. I store my apple pie crumble in a sealed jar in the refrigerator.
For the white layer of the parfait, use dairy-free yogurt or any kind of yogurt you prefer. It also goes really well with ice cream likeย my vanilla cashew coconut ice cream, or even whipped coconut cream.
And if you're a fan of sweet saucy toppings, I've added my caramel sauce recipe. The sweetness plays well off the sourness of the yogurt.
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