According to Wikipedia, S'more is a contraction of the phrase some more. A s'more recipe appeared in a Campfire Marshmallows cookbook in the early 1920s and was called a Graham Cracker Sandwich. It was popular with the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, and in 1927 a recipe for "Some More" was published in Tramping and Trailing with the Girl Scouts.
Give me a campfire, marshmallows, some foraged sticks, and graham crackers, and I'm good. Frankly, the chocolate is optional for me. I add the marshmallow to the end of a stick and hold it close to the flames to toast it until it's crispy on the outside and gooey on the inside. It might even be a bit charred.
When you can't have a campfire, try to find the next best thing. I'm not opposed to making s'mores over a stove burner, in a toaster oven, or other way to heat up a marshmallow. Be safe though!
Here are the three recipes you'll want to prepare ahead of time for your s'mores feast: homemade marshmallows, graham crackers, and chocolate. And if you're not into chocolate try raspberry or strawberry jam in its place. Enjoy!
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