Imagine you're holding a very warm mug of creamy vanilla cocoa. You dip a spoon in and lightly blow some cool air over it. Then you slurp it off the spoon and feel the warmth and taste the flavor. This recipe will get you there.
True to my form, there's no processed white chocolate in this list of ingredients. Instead I opt for a full fat dairy-free milk like coconut or almond milk. You can use any milk here though.
The milk is gently simmered with cacao butter, a bit of sweetener, and vanilla extract. It takes about five minutes to blend all the ingredients over a low heat in a saucepan.
Feel free to add whipped coconut cream (recipe below), marshmallows, raspberry marshmallows (in the photo), and a pinch or two of ground cinnamon to your cup of white cocoa. For a great finishing touch, use a small blender or milk frothing stick to make the hot white chocolate frothy. Enjoy!
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